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So you need more time to file your tax return, or maybe you just haven't received all the documents yet and that's why you haven't been able to file if you've been thinking about extending but are a little concerned about the risk you expose yourself to with the IRS if you do extend worry no more because in this video I have some very valuable information to share with you so make sure you watch the whole video this is information about extension, and it's going to take that stress and worry right off your shoulders that's coming up right at you right now the stated that hello everybody I hope you've been having a great week if you're new to this channel then welcome I am MK the CPA and along with my sidekick chipper we teach people about all areas of personal finances and other very important life subjects that you probably never learned about in school such as taxes which is what this video is about so if you're new to this channel please consider subscribing because I make new educational videos every single week that are designed to help you in your everyday life alright guys you are here today because of extension well this video I will be talking about 7 things I think you should know about extension now mind you I knew Jack was about extensions until I started tearing passes for a living and this becomes give you a nice overview of things you should be thinking about before you send your return and just kind of how extensions work etc I won't be showing you exactly how to exchange returning this video because I would like to show you that in another video, but this video is going to give you a nice broad overview and should answer most of the questions you probably have right now so lets get started with our guys the first thing I would like you guys to really know about extension is that the IRS considers them automatic which means in general if you want to ask in your return to have more time to violet the IRS going to grant you that extension now this doesn't mean that you will never reject it because there are times when your request for extension can get rejected such as if you file an extension either online or on paper where your name your address information or your social security number if one of those things doesn't match up with what the IRS has in their database system then your extension is going to get rejected, and you're probably going to receive a letter in the mail from the IRS that saying hey this information doesn't match up so because of that what I would recommend that students you know you do want to expand your tax return, and it's totally fine to extend your tax return please there's nothing wrong about it but as soon as you know you do want to extend go ahead and do it at that point because what I think happened to people are if they wait until the deadline which is typically April 15 what will happen are what can happen if their attention gets rejected at that point well then they're pretty much out of luck for...
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